Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Live Training Review

Yo!  So here's the newest review from training a couple weekends ago with a Girlfriend Fastlane member Wayne.  

So Wayne attended the infamous NYC workshop with myself, Brad P, Glenn P, Hyper, and another old coach where a bunch of crazy things happened.  Unfortunately at that time I didn't get a chance to work with Wayne much and see his game, and since then my understanding is he's had a couple girlfriends and kind of gotten out of the game, worked on his career, etc. and now he wanted to get back into it.  

Wayne showed up and his clothes and hair were bad.  I don't want to rag on him too bad, so let's just say his look was dated and he desperately needed an update.  So we took him to my hair guy who I take all my clients to and got his hair cut and styled.  I decided to go with a kind of rich hipster look for him, so we kept his hair simple and decided to go for shirts as showpieces.  

We chose a couple busy looking hipster shirts for Wayne, which he didn't like and had to trust me on. He trusted me until we got to the first bar and upon walking in got about 10 compliments on his shirt. Compliments literally started less than 1 minute into being at the bar, when a guy came up and said he loved that shirt and asked where he could buy it.  After that, girl after girl were complimenting him on it as well, and if you're wondering what else we bought, we did some skinny blue jeans from Diesel that were dyed black and would wear through with some blue.  For shoes I picked some Yves Saint Laurent black leather shoes that slip on.  These are $1500+ brand new and we got some very slightly used ones for $350.  They looked incredible and really step up his look.  

For anyone reading who is curious about fashion, it's really something that can take you from a guy who is a "no way" for a girl and turn you into a "who is that" type of guy.  This was definitely the case with Wayne.  His look turned out fantastic, and literally now he can talk with any 10 he wants to and she'll give him a shot.  

So the first night we're out we got a ton of attention right away and on our first lap around the bar these two really hot girls opened me.  We all talked and the girls were in high state and super attracted, so we decided to all bounce to a new bar, where Wayne made out with his girl.  He said in this video that I did too, but in actuality I didn't.  It's an honest mistake from a guy who was sucking face and just thought I was too, lol. 

The next day we hit a super busy daytime beachy hot spot and the girls here were hot hot hot.  Holy shit they were hot (think short shorts and none are wearing bras).  Wayne again was all day getting tons of love, and the birthday girl was into him but in my opinion was not in his league with his new clothes, haircut, etc.  This is something that happens when you get a makeover.  Remember, your value to women is only perceived by them in the moment they meet you!  

In Wayne's case, he was hitting on a girl (the birthday girl) who was now (because of his new look) not even close to hot enough for him.  Literally if he was dating her other people would think he was dating down.  Let this be a lesson to you!  Your value isn't what it was when you were 13, or even what it was last week.  You should continually be striving to raise your standards.  

Soon enough we walk to the bar and two other girls open us.  One is a super hot Asian girl who offers to buy us drinks, and the other is not hot at all, so guess who i'm getting... lol.  Anyways, I pair off with the unattractive girl to lead her on and Wayne ends up making out with the Asian girl after some coercion from me.  We all decide to leave and the girls ask us if they can meet us later.  We agree, but they ended up not coming.  Could have been that it was 45 minutes away from them where we went, or it could have been the line was too long (the owner let us by the line).  I suppose it could have been that they both wanted to hookup and knew I wasn't touching the friend as well.  Who knows.  

So we grab food and Wayne's in-state and starting to naturally talk to hot women even in line at the pizza place.  This is an amazing thing for wayne, who up to this point has been pretty apprehensive.  Nice work Wayne!  

We went out that night again and had more great results.  I got to show Wayne how to use his look to his advantage when girls open him.  When I walked in I was opened by two girls and then another two girls opened within a minute, so I merged the groups and then got number closed by a girl.  This brings up another important point about game that's seldom talked about:

When a girl opens you, it's important for you to be neutral and reserved, to test the girl, and then to show her attraction.  After that you should attract her a little bit.  In other words, when you're approached, your game should be to do what girls do normally when you approach them!  A lot of guys mess this up and try to get the girl attracted right away when they get approached.  Just let them try and try while you sit back and judge.  

Overall this was a great weekend and a complete transformation.  Wayne went from seldom approaching to being one of the best-dressed and most complimented guys in every venue we went to.  He was able to approach hot women and make out with them and he got some phone numbers as a result.  

Thanks Wayne again for making the trip to Hollywood!  

That's it for today guys.  If you're interested in some training and transformation, shoot me an email to jake@girlfriendfastlane.com.  I'd be happy to answer any of your questions and we can make arrangements.  

Also, don't forget that girlfriendfastlane.com is currently open for the next 18 members who would like to join!!!  If you're still frustrated and it might possibly slightly help to have me explain everything to you on video, this is the place for you!  We've got 5 tutorials up and running so far, each with TONS of HD VIDEO and full written explanations.  They are "how to flood your life with women", "how to meet her", "lifestyle design", "how to attract her," and "how to get logistics."  I even do weekly live Q& A sessions and our next one is this Thursday at 3pm pacific time.  You can ask me anything you want, personally!  

Oh, and this is just a checkout page.  The site is so new I haven't gotten to the marketing yet.  There's a full money back guarantee as well, so you've got nothing to worry about.  

Thanks for reading, can't wait to see you in the website!