I hope you're all doing super well and getting through this whole 'Rona bullshit without harm to you and yours. Truly I do.
As for me, I've been holed up in my West Hollywood apartment for awhile. First two weeks of quarantine for me were basically a daily beer and weed festival with occasional Netflix (if i'm honest I did watch the Tiger King lol), so that was fun for a bit. I've been collecting some vinyl and enjoying my 70's McIntosh Stereo system to it's fullest as well, and no covid "me lung flu long time" for me, so I'm lucky.
But! As most things do, TV, beers, weed and sex got old and boring, so I started getting back to getting some work done. I can report that I've done a couple cool things, and I'm working on even more cool things.
First off, some free content! My older brother has decided to start his own YouTube show/podcast, so he asked me to do an interview about my journey through dating and business. We chatted last night for a little over an hour and 15 minutes about everything from my first approach using Horsegirl to my current business situation. It's a little personal for me to let everyone in on my family, but at this point i'm kinda like fuck it, let it roll, you know?
Click here to watch the video interview
One thing you guys might be interested in taking a peek at is that my brother is a total natural. He was a 4-sport letter winner in high school and went on to get a college scholarship and try out as a punter for the NFL.
I've always tried to understand how he's so good at making fast friends with people, and I've even pitched him to see if he'd make a tutorial for girlfriend fast lane on jakepayton.com to explain what he's doing. He's not a "conscious" guy about what he's doing though, so who knows if that'll ever happen. One things for sure though, he can walk in a bar and be friends with new people in 5 seconds, the asshole! I never had it that easy, and I'm anything but a sports guy. In fact, growing up people didn't even call me Jake, they called me "DJ's little brother." Fucking dicks.
Anyways, I think you'll enjoy the interview so that's why i'm posting it.
The next thing coming down the pipeline is i've started new or updated all my social media finally!
You can follow me on the major 7 platforms including NEWLY ADDED TikTok and Linkedin! Just click on these links pretty pretty please if you would:
Other things going on...
So I've been still coaching a TON throughout this quarantine. I've also been having some amazing long chats with an old Brad P. coach that we've been recording, and we're conjuring up a way to use the audio from them for content, so you'll see that coming through soon perhaps in audio or otherwise. I'm finally to the point where I'm past the old girlfriend fast lane website woes, so now that the website functions without breaking I can focus on free content and growing the brand. I truly hope you'll join me for the ride and be some of the first guys to help me grow. Any time that you can share and spread the word you'll be helping this 13 year devoted dating guy keep going at it without dropping out or selling out. After all, the reality is that there isn't another guy in the WORLD who has the ability to make girls approach him like I do, and I gave you guys that free content first almost 8 years ago in the "She's Not Even In the Fucking Room" Post.
But there's some bad news too...
This blog will stay here, but I'm planning on completely stopping writing on it. To take it's place, I'm putting the blog right on jakepayton.com where I can re-write and perfect the old content, and you guys won't be hearing endless pitches from me anymore, lol. I'm gonna give out tons of free shit, and the paid stuff will be for guys who want personal help.
In other words, I'm gonna try and grow up. In fact, I'll be turning 40 years old next month (May, 2020). But don't think that'll stop me from hitting the bars for the next 10 years and giving this shit a go for as long as possible. With any luck my old crotchety ass will be wheeled into bars in my wheelchair so I can watch guys do approaches from the comfort of some space cart Elon Musk will probably develop soon for the geriatric. HA!
So that's it for today guys. I'd like to thank those of you who have been along with me in this past 13 and a half years now since I started coaching. It's been nothing but wild, and today I was hunting through past nudie pics i've got and I was wowed at the amazing journey i've had since I was a super frustrated chumpy total NEWB.
Now i'm not though.
Cheers guys, I love ya! Keep yourselves safe and stay the fuck inside! See if you can masterbate on live chat with girls from dating sites until we can all get back into the bars. I'll catch up with you very soon...