Monday, December 28, 2015

Quick tips for New Years Eve

Happy Holidays, men!  Here's that other review from Chicago... 


1 on 1 Review of Jake P. in Chicago:

I want to start off by saying that this is my second 1 on 1 coaching with Jake, and all I can say is that I am so upset with myself that I WAITED THIS LONG TO DO ANOTHER ONE. If you are a guy that is unhappy with his dating/sex life, who is spending a lot of the time reading more and more information on pick up, like I was for the past few months; then let this be the last thing you read before you take immediate action and get a training with Jake.

When it comes to “pick up”, Jake is not some guy who is able to recite some theory to students that he read in some dating ebook. He truly has lived and continues to live the pick up lifestyle. I would say that he has probably been through every single scenario that you can think of when it comes to picking up women, whether it’s cold approach, social circle, texting, etc… get the idea. AND because of this he is able to talk to you for an hour, figure out what the deal is with you, and then customize the 1 on 1 specifically to what will work best for you. Honest to God, he does this so fast, it amazes me, but he has put the time and work in for years now to be GREAT at this. I know it’s not like I’ve known Jake for years, or I have seen Jake in all these scenarios (except for my two 1 on 1 trainings), but trust me, if you take a training with Jake (which I believe everyone should) and see him for a full night out and have him coach you, you will get what I am talking about.

I was fortunate enough to get him out to Chicago on Saturday for a 1 on 1 training. Both times we started out by getting a bite to eat. At dinner we talk a bit of theory, and he gets a feel for where I’m at in my game. Honestly, he was able to pin point what was specifically going on with me, and why things have been going how they’ve been for the last… however many months. Then he structured the night to work on the issues that were specifically hurting MY game, not just some general bullshit.

So we head to the first bar in a cab, and right off the bat, Jake is just a super cool and nice dude and just made me feel comfortable; like I had known him for years and he is just one of my buddies. He was also able to critique my fashion very quick, and the information was quite insightful; I plan on getting a fashion make over the next time I do training with him. We get to the first bar, and it’s not that crowded. Though here Jake explained to me that he usually likes to do a lap around the bar quick, this sort of let’s the people in the bar see you and “take you in” (this might just be for slower bars). We go to get a drink and right away Jake demonstrated something for me. There was a group of women, Jake stood nice and tall in front of them, and said “geez, out of my way lady”. (with a sort of stern face). But he didn’t just say these words with a mean face, like he was actually pissed. There were mannerisms he does, and then also calibrates it with a quick smile shortly after to show the girl that he was joking around, and not just being a dick.

Jake calls this a “ping”, and what it does is it gets you in a talkative state (warmed up), let’s the girl know that your vibe is fun and playful, and in busier bars you can easily double your approaches with just six words!! Why make things harder on yourself, it’s not necessary to do this. Another demo that he did that I want to highlight is when he did his “Trading Hair” opener. This one was great for me to see because I got to see exactly how a pro does an approach with a “scripted” opener. In this demonstration I got to see exactly how someone is supposed to touch on the initial approach, his positioning/body language, voice tone, etc…It was very beneficial because now I will be able to picture it in my mind when I am using “scripted” openers AND hopefully I will be able to mirror what he does because of this memory.

The next bar we went to was a pretty loud bar, where there was A LOT of dancing going on. Now I usually don’t go to these types of bars, so we didn’t stay very long at this bar. However, there was still some theory he wanted to give me for these loud/dancey type bars. Essentially with these bars, you have to go in with HIGH energy on the dance floor, and you have to act quick in order to pull the girls off the dance floor to isolate. Main lesson is to be able to go in with high energy, or most, if not all of the time, girls will not really even give you the time of day. Next is Jake’s belief/ theory, whatever you want to call it, of putting yourself in the absolute busiest spot in the bar. I’m talking the place that most people want to avoid, where people are bumping into you and spilling shit. This is where you can really utilize Jake’s “pinging” strategy. I’ll get into this more next. But basically that is it with that bar, we didn’t do much gaming, just mainly some theory for those environments.

Again, we are moving to the next bar, and in this cab is where Jake really motivated me. At the previous bars, I was still kind of playing it safe and not really pushing myself. Jake told me in the cab that more or less “play time” is over. He said he would feel extremely bad if I did not push myself and if I did not give it my all because I would not really be able to learn from it then. He gave me an “assignment” for the next bar, and that is to talk to ANY/EVERYBODY. Become the guy who talks to everyone, who just likes to talk to people and socialize, who is overall just a fun guy who gives off that presence/vibe with others. I believe that when you become this type of person, this will put you over the edge when it comes to pick up, at least I feel this way about myself and my own game. I think more than anything I learned, I want to learn this and be able to mirror Jake’s presence, because his presence alone can get him hot women. I’ve seen it!! At the next bar Jake just sort of followed me, pushing me to use his “pinging” strategy in the busiest spots of the bar. AND GUESS WHAT, I DID IT. They didn’t all go great, but on to the next one. With this strategy, you are literally able to double your approaches, with fewer words, and less effort. Sounds good to me.

There was more to the night after this, but I think I covered the most important parts of the night. Jake preaches that you want to be THE SOCIAL GUY at the bar, and I am now a huge believer in this because I saw it first hand, and how it works so well for Jake. He walks the walk when it comes to this. When I picture the most popular guy at the bar; the guy who has women coming to him, guys wanting to talk to him because he gives off SO MUCH VALUE to every person he encounters; I picture Jake. TALK TO EVERYONE is something that struck me the most, and I am actually going to write myself a note to remember this because I believe it is invaluable to be this type of guy now. Jake was preaching this to me the entire night. For me, this is what/who I want to become because Jake is this type of guy, and he is probably (in my opinion) one of the best in the game. So why not use him as my role model, ya know? The last thing I want to share is an example of Jake being the “social guy”, which popped for me toward the end of the night. Throughout the whole night Jake LITERALLY talked to every person he saw. Our waiter, people who were smoking, people walking by on the street; guys….girls….everyone—no exaggeration. So we’re walking on the street, and we’re trying to figure out the name of this after hours bar Jake was at the night before. He’s asking every person he sees, no one really knew what it was, some people were friendly, some people were rude, it didn’t affect Jake whatsoever. By this time of the night Jake was so warmed up from talking to so many people, none of this really mattered to him, he WAS JUST HAVING FUN. The last group he asked happened to be these three hot ass girls who were probably 22 years old. Initially one girl tried accusing him of just trying to fuck them, and Jake shut that down right away. He called her on it instantly, saying something along the lines of “Geez, you know, not everyone is out to fuck you”, at this point the girl was so fucking submissive to him, the other two girls had no other choice but to fall in line as well. Two minutes into the conversation Jake had these girls gazing at him, and just eating at the palm of his hand. It was amazing to see, especially since the way he opened, just by asking if they knew the name of a bar. Jake was just having fun meeting people, socializing, seeing what adventures he was going to get into, and that’s what struck me most about his game. His game is almost “non-gamey” if that makes sense…he essentially makes the girls he interacts think that he has absolutely no interest in fucking them, and this in turn “disarms” their slut defense, and they open up and become more comfortable with Jake. Case and point with the three hot 22 year olds, I think two of them (the way hotter ones in my opinion) asked him for his number and were texting him an hour later. After the “disarming”, he then is able to turn things more sexual/intimate with the women. He may not agree, but that’s at least how I viewed it.

He made me realize that I had a lot of self defeating thoughts of myself going on in my mind, like I can’t do it. But throughout the night, he made me realize that a lot of it was in my head, and that I CAN DO IT. He even told me this, he saw me do it on my own quite a bit throughout the night, and he pointed it out to me. It was nice for a pro to point it out because it was my “AHA” moment, it especially is nice to hear it from a pro, and it’s not me second guessing myself if I’m on my own. I trust his feedback, and when it’s good feedback, I’ll definitely take it!! Overall, like I said before, Jake is just a good dude, who really cares about his students, and wants to make sure they see results, or at the very least are getting their moneys worth throughout the night of training. I like to think that I am a guy who can see through someone’s bullshit, and Jake being nice wasn’t just him being nice to me just to “squeeze” training from me again. He GENUINELY cared about helping me, and to me that is a priceless attribute to a coach.

It’s worth the money to train with Jake. If you’re going to spend your money on training, why not train with the best? And I believe that Jake is one of, if not THE BEST out there.

Thanks for the Review, man!  Looking forward to the future for you... 

Now for the NYE strategy.  New Years Eve is a super weird day to be out and about, and over the years I've found that it's often amateur night when it comes to drinking, so my first tip about New Years to remember is DON'T GET TOO DRUNK!  This seems obvious, but the reality is that since such a huge percentage of guys are completely blasted drunk, being the sober guy who nurses two beers throughout the night and has his head about him at 2am when it's pulling time is a great boost to your potential for the night.  

The second tip I've got for NYE is to supply the party and the energy.  Nothing is worse than having a bunch of people around in low state waiting patiently for the clock to strike, only to "call it a night" early because it's so fucking boring.  So if you're in a place that happens to be a bit drab, turn to your buddy, give him a high-five, put a big smile on your face, and yell WOOHOO!  I literally did this one of my first years in Hollywood and my friend and I took home the only three girls in the bar that we were in.  So bring the energy!  Be the source of happiness and fun for those around you.  When you can raise the states of others, people will be attracted to your energy level.  

The third tip I've got for you is to watch who people interact with before approaching.  Everyone, and I mean everyone, seems to be in clubs for new years, including lots and lots of couples who normally don't go out.  This means that tons of the women out will have a ring on their finger or a boyfriend close by.  So take a quick look for a ring or a guy, and when in doubt, APPROACH!  

My go-to line when I end up in a situation with a possible couple is always "You guys look like a cute couple, how long have you been together?"  Damn what a great thing to say!  It disarms the man because how can he possibly be mad or defensive of you when you believe that the woman is his, and you demonstrate your belief by vocalizing it in a social way.  Soooo good.  The other thing that often happens is that the women will say some version of "Oh we're not a couple" or "Oh I'm not with him." Wow, what better way to outgame a guy then to induce the girl he's with to vocalize that she doesn't like him.  Now he's beaten down a bit and you look like a stud.  Nice work!  And if the two above scenarios don't happen, it should be pretty easy to figure out if the two are actually a couple or not.  And you haven't even put yourself out there for a rejection.  

My fourth and final tip for New Years Eve is that you've got a free pass to basically kiss like any girl when midnight comes (duh).  Simply look for a woman who isn't already making out with a guy, give her the most sultry eye contact you can give her, stick your hand out to pull her close, and say "Well hello there..."  as you pull her into you.  Yes, it's ballsy, but at midnight if you wanna get kissed you literally have like a 3 minute window of opportunity if you haven't found a girl yet to makeout with when the clock strikes.  Sure you can still get a girl later, I'm just talking about an all or nothing approach to bring in the new year the right way.  Just fucking go for it!  The worst that happens is you get denied and try 5 more times immediately.  And trust me, someone is gonna makeout with you because nobody wants to spend those few minutes dry-lipped.  

Another note on hooking up for New Years Eve.  Consider showing up to wherever you're going early, like early enough that it's not crazy yet and people are still sober.  Doing your approaches at the beginning of the night can go a very long ways towards creating credibility later that you can cash in on later in the evening when she's had a few more drinks and she's a bit more in the mood.  We all know how rough it can be trying to convince an already drunk girl that we don't want to have sex with her when she's already been hit on like 86 times that night.  

So good luck men!  And let me be the first to wish you a Happy New Year!   Enjoy.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Chicago! And "God Mode" Explained

So I just got back from a trip to Chicago this past weekend and I had the pleasure of being hosted by the Chicago lair on kind of a last minute basis.  Thanks again to my contact there for making that happen (not sure if you'd want your name mentioned but you know who you are).  The night there started by me meeting up with about 5 or 6 guys and talking a bit about who I am and what issues they might be facing, so today for the guys who might've missed it I wanted to write up a bit about what we talked about outside before many of the other guys showed up.  I also ended up having possibly slightly more than a few beers with one of the guys late night who wrote a review about our time that i'll include to start things out.  Basically what happened is at this point it's very difficult for me to be in a social situation and not talk to people, so he got a tiny show on Friday and we had some fun and some laughs hanging out late night.  Thanks again to all the Chicago Lair guys for your hospitality and welcomeness.  You've got a great group and I look forward to coming back soon and seeing you!

So lets get to the review first, and then i'll try & write up a bit about the specific scene in Chicago as I see it...

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Being Good Looking with Pockets full of Money

Everyone talks all day long about how if you're good looking and you have a lot of money that you can get women.  Of course we've all seen some ugly dude with a hot chick, but is he really sleeping with her?  Or haven't you seen a really good-looking guy who never really gets a hot girlfriend and instead dates down?  Why is all this shit happening and what's going on?  What can you do to maximize your chances of getting a hot girl?  If you're interested in all of this, read on...

Monday, November 30, 2015

Today's Student Review

I got an email from a student a few months ago as a review, and I somehow managed to forget to post it, so here it is for you guys.  When I teach students, I always tell them that if they would like to review me that they should be totally honest, putting both the good and the bad into my reviews.  Here's the student's email to me, unedited:

Friday, November 20, 2015

She'll leave you out of nowhere. Here's what to do.

Women will unapologetically leave you or stop communication with you at any stage in a relationship.  It could be in the first two seconds of meeting you, and it could be two years after being with her.  Either way, it'll likely leave you wondering just what the hell happened, and the information you're looking for is incredibly difficult to find and to understand once you find it.  Today i'm gonna provide some answers, and you're not going to like them...

Monday, October 26, 2015

From "No Way!" to "The Nuzzle"

This weekend I walked up to a seriously hot trendy girl, and within about 15 minutes she went from being extremely apprehensive about me to actually standing by the side of me, lowering her head, and nuzzling into me.  We had a nice makeout.  We were in our own world.  And we're going to meet up this week, obviously.  She's completely sold on me.   This progression of taking a girl from apprehensive to nuzzling and submissive is one of the most misunderstood things about women.  How do you get her attracted?  When do you show interest?  How much interest do you show and how do you show it?  Today I wanna chat about all of this and lay down some rules so things are a bit clearer.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Identity and Identity Development

I hear the same question all the time from men...  "How can I have an attractive identity and how can I use that identity to get women?"  Today I wanna give you a simple formula that'll keep women entering your life for years to come...

Monday, September 14, 2015

Breaking Her, and the "Secret" to Lifelong Happiness

A special thanks today to the guys who responded to my last blog post and took me up on the phone coaching!  Wow, what a weekend!  I had such a crazy weekend I can't even write about parts of it.

After talking with so many guys for so long, i've been able to isolate and combat many of the behavioral patterns I see in women.  One thing i've noticed in my years as a dating coach is that women don't know how to make themselves happy.  Yep, I said it.  Women don't have a clue how to make themselves happy.  Are you tuned in?  Because today I wanna talk about how to "break" women of their pattern of self-destruction using some dominance techniques.  And i'm going to show you the actual breaking process of a woman via text.  This is the first time anyone has shown this online (because i'm the one who came up with the theory), and this is probably the single most important lesson a guy can learn, and one that so few do...  In other words, today is special fucking treat day for you.  Pay attention, class is in session.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Getting over "The Hump"

Sorry guys, i'm not actually talking about humping a girl in this post.  Womp womp.  I know how you like your humping stories.  Instead, today I wanted to talk a little about how and why many guys fail at many things in their life, including learning dating skills.  If you're interested in figuring out what it takes to truly be successful at learning dating skills (and really anything else that's tough to learn), read on...

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Live With Me - Coaching Review

For the past number of months i've been doing a little experiment designed to see how quickly I can take selected students from "Zero to Hero."  I've been curious for a very long time how quickly I can take a student from zero sexual opportunity and a low skill level to having more sex and more sexual opportunity than he ever thought possible.  

Does it take a year?  5 years?  5 months?  1 month?  

That's what I'm trying to figure out.  

So, with this in mind, I offered students a chance to come and move into my huge house in the Hollywood Hills, and today I wanted to share a review from one of the students with you. This student came to me as a very new beginner in dating and within just a few months he had a three girl rotation!  

Think about that for a second...

Are you seeing anyone right now?  Wishing you were?  Wishing that anytime you wanted sex you could just call one of your many women to come over?  Are you still wondering what the fuck to wear?  Are you still wanting to look and feel cool?  What if you could finally feel that way, and you could do it quickly!  What if you could fix yourself and move on to more important things in life, while still enjoying the benefits of a healthy sex life whenever you'd like? 

Well one of my students has been doing just that.  He went from zero women to having a 3 girl rotation in a very short period of time.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Female DHV

When a woman's trying to impress you and establish her value, there's a common way that she does it, and the way she does it has been confusing men for millennia, so today I wanted to talk about it.  But first!  A story...

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

How to Date a Bartender

Everyone seems to want to have sex with the bartender.  She's hot, charismatic, and she's always showing her cleavage in an effort to turn your $1 tip into more.  So what's the deal with these women and how can you get one?  Let's talk it out.

First off, you should know what you're getting yourself into with a bartender.  Yes, bartenders are often hot, talkative, and charismatic, but remember these sometimes aren't women with spectacular career paths.  In my experience, many of them bartend for a few years before moving on to better and better things, but there are also a good percentage of them that are just complete drunks without much of a future.  Yup, I said it.

So how can you tell the difference?

Well, assuming you're looking for a serious relationship with a bartender, I find that a good thing to look at is her age.  Obviously, if the bartender is over the age of 30 it's a solid bet that she's a lifer and will bartend indefinitely.  Still though, if things are getting serious you should ask her about her aspirations and what her plan is to reach her goals.  You never know.

On the other hand, if you're dating a bartender and she's still in her early 20's, then there's a good chance she's still in college or something along those lines.  These types of girls I find have a much better shot of getting out of bartending and moving on to bigger and better things in life.

So what about bartenders age 25-29?  These are an odd group, so watch her behavior.  How much is she getting drunk?  Does she exercise?  Does she stay away from drinking completely?  What does she do outside of work?  These are all indicators of her overall health and wellness as it relates to drinking.

Lemme just come out and say it.  Often bartenders aren't the healthiest of women and don't have a lot of promise when it comes to lifelong success and healthiness.  In short, they can be drunks.  So if you're looking for an outstanding woman and not just a fling, then it's important to qualify any bartender you meet before you end up emotionally attached to a woman who won't be a part of your long term goals and success.

So now that we've talked about what you're getting when you signup for a bartender, now let's talk about how to signup in the first place.  The first thing you've gotta do with a bartender is find a time when you can say some words to her without getting interrupted or hampering her ability to work.  That means don't try to chat her up when she's super busy.  Wait until it's later in the night or come in before the rush, because otherwise you'll be getting rejected simply because you're an idiot and you don't understand that she actually is at work to do her job.

Secondly, a bartenders job is to be talkative, cordial, flirty, and chatty.  With everyone.  So you're not allowed to be jealous at all when she leaves you to flirt with another guy.  Instead when she leaves you to chat, when she comes back if you wanna flirt a bit, tell her something like "So is it worth the extra tip  to let him think you're gonna do him?"

Dating bartenders is all about understanding their world and communicating to them that you're not a part of the normal bar-going crowd.  One way to do that is to talk about how they're extracting money from people through flirtatious behavior and showing of skin (much like stripper game).  Another way to flirt with a bartender is by telling her she made your drink wrong.  This works best when she knows for sure that your drink is perfect.  Like say she pours you a beer.  Upon getting my beer I might tell her something like "Geez!  gross... didn't they tell you at bartending school how to make a beer?  You didn't even mix this thing right or shake it up like you're supposed to!  I want a refund."  Be careful about mixed drinks though!  If you don't communicate through effective tonality, she'll just matter-of-factly try and remake your drink cause she thinks it's bad.

So once you've got enough flirting in, look for her to ask you a couple questions about yourself, like where you're from or what you do.  These are general indicators of interest that any girl would give, and bartenders often like to fake this type of interest, so when this happens I like to still go with it, I just do so tentatively and I don't really assume she likes me until she has said yes to giving me her number.

Getting a bartenders number can be tricky!  Discretion is key.  Make very sure not to be obvious about getting her number and make very certain none of her co-workers or her boss know she's giving it out.  That'll kill your number close instantaneously!  Instead, ask her her number while keeping your phone under the bar top or have her write it down for you and just text her.

Once you've got her number, remember that your meetup with this girl could have to happen at a weird time.  Remember, she's probably working something like 8pm to 4am, and sometimes she'll be up till 8am drinking with other people she works with.  This means she might be sleeping till 4 or 5 pm some days.  Don't be an idiot and text her at 10am to ask her how her day is going, then call me and have me explain to you why she didn't text you till 5pm.  And no, when she texts you at 5pm don't wait to text her till midnight because she made you wait 7 hours so you're going to do the same.  C'mon dude!  The best thing to do is simply to initiate texting, then after some texting ask her what her schedule is so that you can fit yourself into it.

So that's about it.  As many of you know I bartended for years and i've got the inside scoop on what it takes to hookup with the bartender of your choice.

Cheers guys!  Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Getting Caught and What Happens

I wanted to talk about a situation that happened to me recently where I was out with a girlfriend, and a new rotation girl saw us at the bar.  I originally didn't want to risk taking a girl to a bar where I knew there was a possibility that another girl I was sleeping with would be there, but in this case I took the risk and lost.  Here's what happened:

We walk in and I see a friend who's with a girl I haven't met.  I say hey to him and introduce my girlfriend to her.  Later on we're leaving the bar and when I run back in to pay my tab, I see the new rotation girl sitting at a table with my friend and his girl, apparently they're friends.  Uh oh.  

What would you do?  

At this point we have noticed each other and made eye contact, so there's no walking out acting like I didn't see her.  I decide to just walk up and say "Hey!  I didn't notice you here, what's up?"  We talk briefly, and the whole time she has a paralyzed look on her face.  I ask her "So you wanna get together this week?  I've gotta head home now but i'll text you."  She says yeah sure and I head out.  

So what happens now?  

Well what happens now often depends on the girl's age.  If she's young (this one's 21), then usually you're in good shape.  I'll simply continue hanging out and if the girl brings up anything i'll tell her the girl's a friend of mine.  We'll continue hanging out and she'll explain the situation to herself however she sees fit.  

If she gets serious about the conversation and starts asking direct questions, i'll tell her something along the lines of "Are you asking questions you really wanna know the answers to? If you are, then i'd be happy to honestly discuss anything that you'd like to discuss, but I have two requirements.  Those requirements are that you are willing to discuss things in an adult way, and that you're ready to handle whatever answers you might get.  So give it some thought tonight and we can talk tomorrow about whatever you'd like to talk about."  

When you say a statement like this to a girl, it lets her know that you're going to be open and honest with her as long as she's adult enough to handle what she might hear.  It usually causes them to think a bit before they overreact.  The reality of the situation is that we're not a couple, and i'm allowed to date freely because we're not in a committed relationship.  Simple.  

If you're dealing with an older woman in this situation, she's likely going to have more of an issue when something like this happens.  This is because older women often need more clarity and labeling of the relationship they have or might be about to have.  In situations where an older woman (27 years old +) sees you hanging out with another woman, she's likely going to flip out and you might very well lose her over it.  

The moral of this whole story is that there's really no need to freak out.  In stressful situations, do your best to remain calm and act normal, and try to keep things brief and exit with grace, then pick up your normal patterns of texting and talking and hanging out just as you have been before.  Often things will be far less traumatic then you thought they would be.  And if you happen to have the catastrophe of your lifetime and lose both girls, well then take your lumps, learn from your mistakes, and go out and get yourself another girl.  

You can do it.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Another Great Review

Review of Coaching Session with Jake P.

What struck me the most about Jake was how much he listened to what I had to say and how genuinely interested he was in hearing my story. He was not just clocking in, and I could feel that his heart was actually in this. He would ask sharp, insightful questions that dug into the core of whatever issue was being discussed. I found him very intuitive, like he understood what I was trying to convey and had either been there or heard it before. In short, the guy is a teacher, a good one.

Being skilled at something is one thing, but being able to teach it? That can be a whole other story. He coached me on the way I carried myself, and gave me some pointers that really resonated with me. Simple things for sure, like “hold your head up higher”, or “keep one hand free so you can talk with it”, and “hold your drink this way” but they made a difference. The sprinkler thing is pretty cool. I ain’t giving that one away; you’ll have to ask the guy. 

They are things that I have now implemented into my life. He helped me look at some beliefs I had in a new way, showing them to be irrational. Probably the most useful thing he helped me with was identifying four fundamental areas that I needed to work on. Instead of being flooded with details, he was able to distill my behavior that night and give me some solid, actionable advice. All in all, I learned quite a bit, even from just watching him interact with other people. I noticed how cheerful he was and how he treated everybody there with respect and the same attention that he was showing me as a student.

Monday, February 23, 2015

A Woman's Slick Trick to get Monogamy

Women are slick when it comes to relationships... far slicker and smarter than the average man.  I'd say women are not only smarter about relationships on the whole, they're also better informed than their male counterparts.  They've figured out a trick to get men to commit, and men everywhere are falling for it, so i'd like to tell you about it today...

Friday, February 13, 2015

How to Have a Great Valentines Day

Valentines Day is tomorrow gentlemen.  So strap in, because whether you've got love or not, you're in for a mental and emotional ride.  In preparation, I wanna go through some things to do and not do for your specific situation with women.  With any luck, you can make it a great day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why People Fail At Changing Habits

We all have habits we'd like to break or start.  Maybe you'd like to smoke or drink less, start working out more, or (for most guys reading my blog) you'd like to be in the habit of approaching more and doing better with women.  But why doesn't that happen, even when we seem to try so hard at it?

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Fizzle Out

Have you ever started to date a woman and you start dating, maybe you have sex once or twice, then somehow you just can't manage to setup another date or get her to text you much because she's just so seemingly busy?  Well today I wanna talk about why that happens and how you can use that same girl move to your advantage.  I like to call it "The Fizzle Out."

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The 'Ol Boner & Bye Bye

Today I wanna talk about a classic woman "move" that I like to call the 'Ol Boner & Bye Bye.  If you've ever had sex before, the odds are this has happened to you.  The 'Ol Boner & Bye Bye is where you're hanging out with a girl, you start making out and you get a boner.  Then, before you have an orgasm of some type, the girl shuts you down and you go bye bye home alone, with just you and your raging hard penis.  As we all know, this is not a pleasurable experience and often results in masturbation.  In fact, I consider myself lucky if I can maintain my boner long enough to get home to the privacy of my room.

Obviously, the reality is that women can, do, and will continue to do the Boner & Bye Bye until the end of time, so it's an essential dating skill to understand why this happens and how much you should put up with it happening before deciding to move on or take other action.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

How to Get a Woman Back

Ahhhh, the age old question.  How do I get my old girlfriend back?  How do I get my old fling back?  How do I get an old acquaintance back who I never got to sleep with?

The answer to these questions is FAR simpler than you think, and as you might guess once you've learned it, a very high percentage of women will come back into your life whether or not you were the one who did the dumping.  In fact, I currently experience about a 90% or higher rate of women coming or trying to come back into my life once we've had distance or time between us for whatever reason, and using the below techniques i've also been able to smooth out my texting game and the process of going from first date to girlfriend.

So would you like to know how to get a woman back into your life?  Then read on.  

Saturday, January 3, 2015

How to Not be Creepy

Although we all like to think that we can meet women anywhere and in any situation, the reality is that when meeting women we should be conscious of how the situation we meet the woman in can affect the way she thinks and feels about us.  The last thing we want is to come off creepy simply because we didn't quite think through what we're doing.